About the Journal

Due to the sudden and huge restrictions in face-to-face teaching brought about by the Corona pandemic starting with the summer semester 2020, an unprecedented change and renewal of teaching formats has occurred. Even though these changes were forced by the restrictions due to the pandemic, the experiences and concepts that were developed are of enormous value for a renewal of teaching towards modern, digitally supported forms of teaching and learning and towards more competence-oriented learning. At the beginning of the winter semester 2020/21, a conference entitled "Lessons Learned - Spin Offs of a Digital Semester" was held at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at TU Dresden to support this renewal through the exchange of experiences. A conference series has emerged from this first conference and at the same time the journal "Lessons Learned" was launched. The aim of this journal is to discuss new forms of teaching and learning not only in the mathematical and natural sciences and technical sciences, but far beyond in all subject disciplines and thus to create a platform where teachers can inform themselves about new concepts and adapt them for their own teaching.

The journal is currently fed by the contributions of the conference series. In addition, the members of the Editorial Board will design thematic issues. If you are interested in publishing a freely submitted article in Lessons Learned, please contact the Managing Editor by email.

The journal is deliberately published in two languages, both to make the lessons learnt accessible to an international audience and to ensure that the linked examples are accompanied by a text in the teaching language in which they were produced. This means no additional work for the authors, as articles can be submitted in either German or English. Once an article has been accepted, it is translated into the other language by the journal, which means that the authors only have to proofread the translated article.