Self-discipline - The key


  • Christiane Thomas TU Dresden
  • Riley Barta TU Dresden



The COVID19 pandemic clearly showed the strengths and weaknesses of education systems at all levels. From closed kindergartens, gradeschools and highschools to universities, the educational, personal and social impacts of the suspended education system are inconceivable. In all areas of education, it was shown that the digital age was nearly fully unprepared to confront these challenges. To date the online format has proven not to fit to the (German) education system.  The question that arises is why is this the case, since schoolchildren of almost every age are online privately every day.  The following paper states critical questions such as how online education can be applied in a way that is reasonable for both students and teachers, where the foundation of a purposeful online lecture must be laid and by who do which portions of responsibility for a productive education lay? The extensive offer of recorded and visualized courses is only one side of the coin. On the other side lay topics such as self-discipline and organization. Both the gradeschool and university education are discussed by the authors in this publication, as are associated suggestions for optimization of the education from the sides of the teachers and students.


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