Presentation and student evaluation of digital learning formats in two methodological basic subjects of mechanics


  • David Bernstein TU Dresden
  • Micha Sebastian Schuster TU Dresden
  • Michael Beitelschmidt TU Dresden



The pandemic-induced migration of classroom teaching to digital learning formats brought great challenges, especially for the students. The two presented methodical subjects in basic mechanics were offered completely digitally. Recorded teaching videos were used to convey the course content and mainly exercise forums were used to answer questions. The learning formats used were evaluated with the help of surveys among all examination participants. The results show that the students prefer recorded lecture videos over classroom lectures. The possibility of pausing and repeating the lecture videos was named as an advantage. The exercise forum is rated as helpful, but not as an adequate substitute for the classroom exercise. According to the student comments, direct and immediate communication plays an important role in the classroom exercise, which cannot be achieved in a forum. The best rating among the teaching formats was achieved by short introduction videos on the topic and tasks of the exercises.


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Screen-shot of an onloine lecture




