Production of long-term usable academic learning/teaching videos and their incorporation into lecture series


  • Adrian Ehrenhofer TU Dresden
  • Manfred Hahn Wilhelm-Büchner-Hochschule Darnstadt
  • Natascha Christl Wilhelm-Büchner-Hochschule Darnstadt
  • Thomas Wallmersperger TU Dresden



The production of teaching/learning videos as a replacement for lectures and tutorials has come into focus in 2020 due to the close-down of the universities. However, this kind of video productions can also add value to university teaching when the usual presence teaching is resumed. In the current contribution to the Lessons Learned Journal, we share experiences about the sustainable production of teaching videos that can be used long-term. We give insights about the production steps, the hardware and software requirements and the integration into university courses. Finally, we give an outlook of the usage of the videos as a database for machine learning applications.


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Plan for the development of teaching videos




