Imagine it's "Corona" - and no one has noticed


  • Eric Schoop TU Dresden
  • Ralph Sonntag HTW Dresden
  • Mattis Altmann TU Dresden
  • Wolfgang Sattler HTW Dresden



The German-language "offshoot" of the international group learning projects in virtual space (VCL – virtual collaborative learning) [1], which have been firmly anchored in the regular teaching programme of the Chair of Information Management at the Faculty of Business and Economics of the TUD for 20 years, has long since emancipated itself. In the winter semester 2020/21, the 66th VCL event in the Bachelor's module "Case Study Work in the Virtual Classroom" was the fourth successful continuation of an already proven, cross-university teaching cooperation between TU Dresden and HTW Dresden [2] – despite "Corona". The established didactic format of self-directed, case-oriented learning in mixed small groups from different locations under tele-tutorial guidance could be adapted to the pandemic-related restrictions with little effort. Many years of preparatory work have paid off!


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Dresden NRG #e-mobility




