The Logistics Lab: From a block to an asynchronous hybrid laboratory course


  • Patrick Boden TU Dresden (Professur für Technische Logistik)
  • Sebastian Rank TU Dresden (Professur für Technische Logistik)
  • Karl-Benedikt Reith TU Dresden (Professur für Technische Logistik)
  • Thorsten Schmidt TU Dresden (Professur für Technische Logistik)



FTS, driverless transport system, operational planning, practical training, intralogistics, online teaching


The article describes, driven by the Corona pandemic, how the „Logistics Lab" laboratory course was / is being transformed from a conventional face-to-face course into an online and now a hybrid format. The pandemic acted as a catalyst for change, as concepts had to be recapped and realigned within a short period of time. The chair's aim is to find an advantageous balance of further development on the one hand and the retention of established content and teaching concepts on the other hand.


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AGV transport vehicle models—Lego Mindstorms (left) and Turtlebot (right)

