Werkbetrachtungen im Hörfunk heute

Vorstudie zu redaktionellen Wortbeiträgen über Musik in den Wellen der ARD und deren intermedialer Distribution


  • Peter Moomann




ARD, Musikanalyse, public broadcast, Hörfunk, Werkbetrachtungen


The overarching aim of this study is to make the implicit practical knowledge of (music) journalists explicit through empirical research. As far as the author is aware, a systematic survey of all public broadcasts and program segments in which music is discussed in detail has yet to be undertaken. This is surprising, as music on the radio is a highly relevant field of research in media and communication studies. The following research question guided the study: In which radio channels (format types) and within which frameworks (broadcast types, stylistic forms, duration), who (journalists, musicologists, musicians) currently talks about which music (genres) and how content and production function when contemplating musical works? Which media-specific mediation strategies can be observed and with which journalistic self-image do they convey? In order to answer these questions, this preliminary study analysed eight radio programmes from ARD channels which were broadcasted during the week 8 of 2023. Some contributions show a flexible format design specific to distribution (radio/podcast/social media) in terms of duration and content accentuations.

