Miteinander musizieren

Über den Nutzen von Musikprojekten für angehende Musikpädagog*innen und junge Asylsuchende


  • Helena Simonett



Flüchtling, Musikethnologie, Angewandte Musikwissenschaft, Projekt


This article critically reflects a week-long music project that involved students of the music pedagogy master's programme at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts and unaccompanied minor refugees of the nearby transit center. The project highlights the potential of musical activities, such as playing music, listening to and talking about music, dancing and building instruments, in the transcultural context of refugee work and points to the need for further research in this area. The evaluation of the project focuses on the benefits for the Swiss music students and the impact on their pedagogic practice and transcultural understanding, rather than the young asylum seekers. Particularly in the context of cultural education, where unequal power relations and dependencies exist, contents and representations must be carefully examined. Ethnomusicologists, through their academic training and practical activities, are sensitized to recognize and dismantle neocolonial structures and approaches. Applied ethnomusicology, which is actively involved in solving concrete problems faced by minority individuals and groups, has developed the necessary tools and is therefore particularly suitable for informing the training and challenging the pedagogic practices of prospective music teachers and educators.






Angewandte Musikethnologie