About the Journal


In 2020, the Verbund Universitäts- und Versuchsschulen (VUVS) [Network of University and Experimental Schools] was founded. The VUVS is a network of university locations that strive for closer cooperation between research institutions, teacher training and school practice in very different formats. The network sets itself the task of "providing a forum for the new movement to make the scientific accompaniment of school reform measures discursively available, both on the content level and on the process-related and structural level" (cf. https://tinyurl.com/2p89kh65).

The Open Access journal “Schulpraxis entwickeln” [Developing School Practice] has set itself the task of reflecting the academic discourse of the network as well as offering other innovative and reform-oriented school development projects a forum for their science-based conceptions and accompanying research. This creates a place to document research results from a co-constructive development process of school practice and research and to discuss the practical implications of this research.

The focus is primarily on topics of school and organisational development. Studies on teaching development and professionalisation should be included if they simultaneously take into account the school framework in its organisational constitution as well as its ability to change in principle.

In addition to one regular, ongoing issue per year, Spe also offers guest editors the opportunity to publish thematic issues on the interplay of research and development of school(s).

Quality assurance

For quality assurance we follow the measures of the Journal for School and Professional Development (cf. https://www.pflb-journal.de/). All submitted articles go through a review process by the permanent editors of the e-journal. This means that in mutual comments on the contribution and in editorial meetings, decisions are made about the fit of the contributions as well as revisions and finally acceptance or rejection. For contributions with explicit subject specificity, additional external expertise is consulted. Before the articles are published, they undergo an editorial and formal proofreading process. If there are any questions about the article, these are discussed directly with the author.

The journal is connected to the research and development activities of the network of university and experimental schools, specifically also with the school experiment "University School Dresden". One aim is to make the products of school development from the co-constructive process of science and practice, which takes place within the framework of experimental and university schools, accessible to a broad public.