Virtual^2 - Simulation practical course in digital space


  • Moritz Kuhtz TU Dresden
  • Bernd Grüber TU Dresden
  • Christian Kirvel TU Dresden
  • Nils Modler TU Dresden
  • Maik Gude TU Dresden



Finite-Elemente-Methode, Praktikum, Siemens Simcenter Femap, Aktives Plenum, Flipped Classroom


In the practical course for the course Simulation Technology, there is the challenge of creating the conditions for working on the tasks at home, especially in digital teaching. On the other hand, the individual requirements and abilities of the students must be taken into account in the sense of sustainable teaching. One approach to solving this problem is the digital method of the flipped classroom, in which students are individually responsible for working through the material using prepared materials such as explanatory videos. For this purpose, the student version of the simulation software Simcenter Femap is used, which is available to the students free of charge on their Windows PC at home. The actual practical training time is used in the application phase in the form of consultations and digital group work according to the active plenum method to consolidate and deepen the acquired knowledge.

This method offers a number of advantages in terms of didactic challenges such as different learning paces of the students or activation of the students. In particular, the digital group work in the form of an active plenum was very well received by the students, so that many elements of this teaching format will also be retained in the return to increased presence teaching.


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A. Roehl, S.L. Reddy, G.J. Shannon, The Flipped Classroom: An Opportunity To Engage Millennial Students Through Active Learning Strategies, J. Fam. Consum. Sci. 105 (2013), S. 44-49.

M. Kuhtz, R. Kupfer, C. Kirvel, A. Hornig, N. Modler, M. Gude: Das Praktische im Virtuellen - digitale Lehre am ILK. In: S. Odenbach (Hg.): Lessons Learned Band 1.

B. Kruppke: Der Mix macht's - Asynchron, synchron, inverted … von der Folienvertonung bis zum Experiment. In: S. Odenbach (Hg.): Lessons Learned Band 1.

E. Schoop, R. Sonntag, M. Altmann, W. Sattler: Stell Dir vor, es ist "Corona" - und keiner hat's gemerkt. In: S. Odenbach (Hg.): Lessons Learned Band 1.

K. Falconer, S. Hoffmann, A. Schadschneider: Lehre an Schulen und Hochschulen in Zeiten von Corona - Ein Erfahrungsbericht aus Sicht der Physikdidaktik. In: S. Odenbach (Hg.): Lessons Learned Band 1.

S. Richter: Lessons Learned an der DIU. In: S. Odenbach (Hg.): Lessons Learned Band 1.

L. Berger, J. Grzega, C. Spannagel (Hg.) (2011): Lernen durch Lehren im Fokus. Berichte von LdL-Einsteigern und LdL-Experten. Ein Workshop-Band zum LdL-Tag 2009 an der Pädagogischen Hochschule Ludwigsburg. Berlin: epubli GmbH.

Digital teaching and learning formats

