“Understanding as Translation”: The Gadamerian Legacy in George Steiner’s Philosophy of Internal Translation
Intralingual Translation, George Steiner, Hans-Georg GadamerAbstract
This essay investigates the similarities between Steiner’s and Gadamer’s views on “understanding as translation”, since both thinkers were particularly interested in the case of so-called translation-from-within. The main aim of this essay, however, is not to discuss how Gadamer and Steiner addressed the problem of translation per se. Instead, by starting with the assumption that, for both thinkers, translation serves as a category to depict the complexities of understanding, my objective is to demonstrate how similar their ideas are concerning factors which either revolve around the act of understanding (circularity), or determine its specificity (historicity). My analysis shows that both Gadamer and Steiner devoted much attention to the impact of history on a human being’s interpretation of certain fragments of reality and to the dialogical interaction with texts (broadly understood), this being a specific form of hermeneutic conversation which proceeds according to the interpretive circularity specific to the hermeneutic tradition. The connection between Gadamerian and Steinerian thought may serve as an important clue to the understanding of the philosophical systems of the two thinkers, in particular their views on translation characterized as the act of intralingual communication, an issue which still remains significantly understudied. These findings may also prove useful for the development of translation theory, especially its hermeneutic dimension.
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