Contact-Induced Language Change of Egyptian-Coptic

Loanword Lexicography in the DDGLC Project (“Database and Dictionary of Greek Loanwords in Coptic”)

  • Franziska Naether
  • Tonio Sebastian Richter


The DDGLC project, started in April 2010, intends to address a major lacuna in Coptic studies by providing a systematic description and analysis of attested loanwords. The phonological, morphological, semantic and stylistic/ rhetorical aspects of these borrowings are to be studied, for all classes of loanwords, and for all dialectal and subdialectal corpora. The DDGLC project aims at a systematic, comprehensive and detailed lexicographical compilation and description of Greek loanwords as attested in the entire Coptic corpus through all dialects and text types. Its intended outcome shall be provided in an online database and in a printed dictionary.
