About the Journal

As an interdisciplinary periodical of Sorbian and humanities research, the journal Lětopis is published by the Sorbian Institute since its foundation in 1952, from 2023 online, and with the subtitle “Journal for Sorbian Studies and Comparative Minority Studies”. Accepted articles appear online as separate publications, and subsequently also in print in an annual volume.

The works submitted comply with the recommendations of the Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Research Practice by the German Research Foundation (DFG). Lětopis only publishes those works, which have not yet appeared elsewhere. Translations into Lower and Upper Sorbian also appear here to promote the Sorbian academic languages. They are explicitly marked as such.

Publications appear under the licence Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. Should you, as author, prefer another kind of licence, please inform the editorial board to find out whether this is possible.

All those articles, which are published in Lětopis, will have undergone positive peer-review. Peer reviewers following the double-blind process have been selected by the editors of Lětopis from external specialists. Exceptionally, colleagues from the Sorbian Institute, who do not belong to the editorial board, are chosen as peer reviewers. All texts which appear in the section “Articles” are subject to peer review. In addition, there is a section “Materials” (e.g., for annotated publications of documents). These are only subject to peer review in exceptional cases.

Languages accepted for publication are Lower Sorbian, Upper Sorbian, German, English, along with other Slavonic languages, preferably Polish, Czech, or Russian.