ISSN: 2748-8160
No. 1 (2021): Engaging with Translation. New Readings of George Steiner's After Babel
The first issue of the Yearbook of Translational hermeneutics (YTH) is dedicated to a ‘classic’ representative of the hermeneutic approach to translation studies, namely George Steiner, who passed away in February 2020. Published under the auspices of the Research Centre Hermeneutik und Kreativität, this issue is devoted to a celebration of Steiner’s 90th birthday (2019) and to the 45th anniversary of After Babel, which first appeared in 1975. After Babel has not lost its power to galvanise contemporary research in translation and interpretation studies even today. This installment of the Yearbook of Translational Hermeneutics hosts a dozen scholars’ engagements with Steiner’s work, as well as a supplement devoted to tributes to the author, book reviews and a discussion (forum).